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A simple gesture that has been repeated since man recognized wood as a means of sustenance and began to stockpile it. A gesture that therefore tells the story of humanity.

The base of the table immediately refers to the image of catasta of wood and wants to be an invitation to make a reflection on the relationship between man and the environment.
It wants to be an awareness of the transformation processes that are the result of ancient knowledge that has always been handed down in the Val di Fiemme on the ancient art of wood, on the co- n knowledge of how many and which trees are to be cut, how the cutting takes place, how the planks should be stacked and allowed to dry, and finally how they should be worked respecting their natural characteristics.

The simple act of stacking is but one piece in a process that is made up of long times, waiting and respect first of all for the woods and then for the material itself. It is the result of the awareness that wood is a precious raw material and as such must be treated. The table therefore wants to exalt wood as a precious material that has always accompanied us. Knowing the transformation processes implies being aware of nature and its times and consequently making ethical choices and operating in its respect.

Client: Fimmme 3000
Year: 2017

Catasta, Fiemme 300, tavolo in legno, Deferrari Modesti, product design, firenze
Catasta, Fiemme 300, tavolo in legno, Deferrari Modesti, product design, firenze
Catasta, Fiemme 300, tavolo in legno, Deferrari Modesti
Catasta, Fiemme 300, tavolo in legno, Deferrari Modesti


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