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A small-scale room has been transformed into a cozy yet airy space.
On the ground floor, the cocktail bar is the movement space, suitable for a cocktail or a quick lunch. The quality of the space suggested to work on the wall, creating a light-colored stone wall sculpture that would brighten the space and become a focal point.
On the upper level, the room offers a cozy ambience, almost like a domestic living room: a large bench covered with cushions emphasizes the central wall, a system of shelves at table height balances the proportions of the frescoed room, large mirrors enlarge the room by reflecting the light coming from the large openings, and on the floor a woven vinyl floor gives the feeling of a large carpet.

Client: La Petite
Location: Florence, Italy
Year: 2013
Photos by: Medisproject

La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante

Photo by MeDisProject

La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,

There are many suggestions that corroborated the idea around which the wall took shape. The wall faces and flagstones of Florence provide an initial reference: smooth stones juxtaposed with rough ones, polished surfaces alongside chiseled, scored, bush-hammered; the geometry, the three-dimensionality of the ashlars.

But not only the most authentic and genuine context was a source of inspiration. These interests were intercepted with a suggestion derived from art. Thus the wall sculptures of Costantino Nivola also left their mark on the wall design.

On the wall, therefore, we find the most recognizable element of the space, the trace that most connotes it, but without excessive fixity and rigidity, since it is changeable with the light and produces, from hour to hour, variable effects thanks to the shapes of shadows.

La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, Progetto, Deferrari Modesti, interni, bar ristorante
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite, Firenze, deferrari modesti, interni, bar ristorante, Dehor, suolo pubblico,
La Petite Cocktail Restaurant, Florence, Interior Design Deferrari+Modesti


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Via Gino Capponi 23, Florence Italy | +39 055.5120335 | p.i.07193460487